Thursday, July 10, 2008

Weds... part duex

Heres thoughts as gleaned from the ol' notebook.

Etomology-The origin of words, not the study of insects.
Abulations-The washing or cleasing of the body as a religious rite. Jaggers who is constantly washing his hands. Like Pontious Pilate. He is washing the criminal taint from him.

Magwitch- Estella's true father, also Pips convict from the begining of the book and suprise benefactor. Very coincidental indeed.

Accovcheur- male midwife
Biled- who knows?
Mangle (noun)- a machine used to press and clean clothes
Ablutions- a washing or cleansing of the body especially as the religious right
Epiphany- a great realization, divine intervention
Trenchent- vigorous or insightful in sound
Rimy- covered with frost mainly in a literary way.

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