Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Friday's entry- More on Tragedy

Exemplary- serving as a pattern b: deserving imitation

Tragic events in life build character. One must develop a tragic sense of life to appreciate it.

"We cannot have truth without suffering"-That quote reminds me of the myth of Odin, the Norse All-Father who had to sacrifice his eye to drink from the well of knowledge, and also was hung from Yggdrasil (the tree of life) for nine days to learn runes and spells.

It is through our own tragedies that we learn the most about ourselves. If you want your muscles to become stronger, you must break them down so they can rebuild and our personalities are no exception. We must all learn to develop the tragic sense, or the "mind of winter".

Catharsis-the purging of the emotions or relieving of emotional tensions, esp. through certain kinds of art, as tragedy or music.

The cathartic effect of the tragedy is another reason why they are so important. The tragedy can leave you feeling better than before you were exposed to it. Rather than make you sad it can "purge" you of certain negative feelings or ideas and leaving you feeling refreshed.

Sarvam dukkan, sarvan anityam-Life is pain, life is fleeting.

Sophisticated minds will connect the comedy and the tragedy.

Theodicy-a vindication of the divine attributes, particularly holiness and justice, in establishing or allowing the existence of physical and moral evil. Or the justice of god.

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