Thursday, August 7, 2008

The B-log

The following words are my direct observations and thoughts from class on Weds as dictated to me, by myself. We presented our final papers and I must say everyone did very well. Also thanks to Luke (or props, or big ups) who after class was kind enough to squire me about campus and help me make the appropriate appointment with advising staff and decipher my transcripts to figure my standing and what I have to look forward to. With this rosetta stone of paper work we figured I have much more English classes to take. This does not bother me because by the end of it, I shall learn to speak good. So again thanks Luke.

Tomorrow is the final and the end of class. I am wondering how I will do, I am also fighting the temptation to trade the keyboard for a fishing rod and head to the river. The fish can wait, for now I shall study. As I listened to the final papers be presented I realized that many of the points Dr. Sexson has been driving home have been absorbed. At the beginning of class we were all strangers, now we are comrades (not in the sense that Orwell would use it.) who have picked up many new ideas or perhaps improved existing old ones. We all stood up in the front of the class getting holes drilled into us by an audience of our peers, and shared our ideas about Mister Pip as boldly as we could. We have come to understand literature a little better and in some sense ourselves. I will say the blog was an excellent idea for the class, while I am loath to endorse a purely online class, I must say a hybrid is a cool idea. The blog serves to share ideas, notes, and stories while class time still preserves the traditional element, this distinct element provides a large part of the educational value. Besides you can't put pictures of wolves masticating carcasses and things on the black board... but in a blog, why not? The internet is a boundless land of mystery and wonder it's like a gold rush era yukon territory of information just waiting to be exploited. With that said good study hard on the final comrades.

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