Since I cannot talk about the material covered in class I will chronicle for you the events leading up to monday morning.
It was a sunday like any other, so it seemed. It was evening time and was begining to become quite hungry, so I called my friend Hannah (the defiller of my Stevens book) and suggested we get chinese food. After much deliberation we decided to go to Mongolian bbq, a place that until yesterday was considered by myself to be delicious. When we got there I decided to attempt a feat I had only dreamed about, a large bowl all meat and no noodles. Throwing caution into the wind I filled my bowl with squid, pork, chicken, and beef. In order to not appear too disgusting in the presence of my female friend I decided to throw in some vegetables. By vegetables I mean mostly jalapeno peppers and lots of 'em. The food was cooked and brought it to the table and I began to eat it. It was so delicious all that meat and peppers, it would have made Dr. Atkin's cry out of sheer joy. We left the restaraunt and life was good...... until the next morning. While I don't know which specific ingredient caused this ailment I have few theories. First the squid, it did not occur to me until now that Montana is not very close to the ocean, allowing one to deduce that the squid was not fresh. Theory two- perhaps what I suffered from was simply an accute overdose of meat and that the noodles serve to dilute this deadly ingredient making it safer to consume. My third and final theory is this, I smushed the meat into my bowl using my bare hands, I then ate vegetables out of my bowl with those same hands prior to them being cooked. Though I have flirted with raw meat before it is safe to say that since this tragedy has befallen me I am inspired to cook all meat before I consume it.

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